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"Il Piccolo Noce"
Casa Vacanze

Vocabolo Petroso 67
06066 Pietrafitta Piegaro PG


Phone and fax +39075839395
Mobile +393282245476

Olantiana s.n.c.
P. IVA 02875890549

A DOG site

The surroundings > Pietrafitta

News dated 19/08/2010

Scritto da admin

Pietrafitta is the lovely Umbrian village where is located the Country Resort "Il Piccolo Noce".

Pietrafitta is located on 270 meters above sea level in the middle of rolling hills near a middle age monastery. The origin of the name recalls the geological past and the many stone mines that, once upon a time, were present in this area. Giving a very rapid historical summary, Pietrafitta became important around the end of the 19th century when the Società Terni started to exploit the deposits of brown coal with the technique called "opencast mining". After the Second World War this activity became regular and after approximately 20 years the deposits ran out.

In order to honour this important origin of the area, a museum has been created, Museo Paleontologico (website in Italian) which is located at the entrance of the village. Currently, mammals represent the largest quantity of the entire collection.

Pietrafitta, the village where is located our resort.

Pietrafitta, the village where is located our resort.

Pietrafitta is one of the administrative divisions of Piegaro municipality. Piegaro is primarily known for its long history of glass (vetro) production from the Middle Ages to the 20th century. To commemorate the art of glass manufacturing, in April 2009 the Museo del Vetro (website in Italian) was opened to the public. Visiting the Museum, you will learn more about this important part of the history of Piegaro.

If you like to know more about Pietrafitta and Piegaro, please visit the Museo del Vetro(website in Italian), but we will more than pleased to help you in case you have any questions.

In the following pages you can discover more about how we get getting prepared to start our business. For instance we followed a course called HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) compulsory for people managing food (preparing and serving).We have also submitted different requests for building renovation to the Town hall and in this respect we would like to thank everybody involved.


The region of Umbria, located in the centre of Italy, is the only region in this area without sea shore.

Its territory is mainly formed by mountains and hills, giving the landscape a harmonious mildness. Umbria is also known as the Green heart of Italy.

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